Walt is a native of Louisiana. He has been in the ministry since 1983 serving churches from coast to coast. Walt was saved at age 11 and called to the ministry at age 19.
Walt and his wife Gayla joined our church January 7, 2024, after accepting the position as Minister of Music here at First Baptist. He loves serving the Lord through the music ministry.
In June of 2024, the church extended a call to Walt to also become the Interim Pastor. After serving in this dual capacity for several months, the church once again called Walt to become the fulltime Pastor/Minister of Music.
Walt's desire is for us to be a church that will Praise Him in song, Pray for the lost and Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Walt has been married to Garla for over 40 years. They raised three sons and currently have seven grandchildren.
Walt holds a Bachelor of Music Education Degree from Texas Wesleyan College in Ft. Worth, Texas and a Master of Music Degree from West Texas State University in Canyon, Texas.
Walt enjoys time with the grandkids, hunting, and LSU sports.
Marian joined our church in 1972, when her father, L.H. "Bro. Mac" McCollough was pastor. Following several years away from our church family, she rejoined First Baptist with her husband, Dennis.
In 2017, Marian was asked to join our staff as the Office Manager Assistant and in 2023, she became the Office Manager and currently holds this position.
Marian and Dennis have been married over 46 years. God has blessed them with four beautiful children and six beautiful grandchildren.
First Baptist will always be her home church. Marian loves being a part of our church family.
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